Teacher, Tutor, and
homeschool mom

What help do you need right now?
Teachers: Visit my blog to learn more about teaching online or find resources for your own classroom
Homeschool Evaluations:
$10/child zoom or live Butler County
FREE if your child is between ages 5-7 and Eval.
occurs during a playdate!

My Youtube channel for teachers
My Youtube channel for students
Tutoring Services
English Language Arts tutoring for ages Prek - Adult
One-on-one $40/hr single: one hour session
Buy 5 1hr sessions $35/hr
Buy 10 1hr sessions: $30/hr
One-on-one (30 min single session): $20
Buy 5 (30min sessions): $18/hr
Buy 10 1hr sessions: $15/hr
email me: teachertheresaconferstandish@gmail.com
Hiring Coach for Online Teachers
Make me your hiring coach for the aforementioned companies today! Begin your journey teaching English online. Online teaching jobs are a wonderful way to make a positive impact in the lives of students abroad!
$20/30min $40/hr Live on Zoom schedule today!
Facebook Group
Recommend by Theresa
Outschool.com is a teaching platform predominately filled with students from the US, but there are students from other countries as well. On this platform you create your own content to teach students. The company only provides a place for you to list your courses for booking.
You set your own pay rate per class and Outschool.com takes a 30% commission.
Outschool.com does NOT require degree! Outschool welcomes people from all walks of life to share their interests with students. You can teach anything from regular course work, to sewing, games, or even how to change a car tire!
There are 3 class types:
One time-occur one time but can be re-listed as often as you want!
Ongoing-occur weekly at a specified time
Flex Class-asynchronous (you do not have to teach live) you can provide work for students to do offline. You can also provide pre-recorded videos for your students.
All classrooms have a message board where teachers, students, and parents can communicate. Students and parents can email peers and the teacher using a secure email system (messages are forwarded to teacher's email address from the classroom portal, teachers can respond on the portal or by replying to the forwarded message safe guarding the teacher and students email addresses).
To apply to teach or enroll your child in an Outschool class and get a $20 credit toward the first class follow the links below:
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutor offers large group courses and one-on-one tutoring.
I do not recommend them for 1-v-1 tutoring. They charge too much, but the large group classes are wonderful for your students and affordable! Some are even FREE!!
I also recommend it as a great company to work for if you are just getting started teaching online. The base pay is $15/hr but with each job posting you respond to you can negotiate that rate. I usually ask for $20/hr
Rexyl Book Club
Rexyl Book club is a small woman owned Korean reading club. They offer one-on-one reading intervention and small group book clubs. The owner is a wonderful woman to work with. I've been very happy working with her. She provides all curriculum and materials but teachers can customize as needed, but customizing for students isn't required. You can simply teach the content exactly as it is presented. She pays $22-30/hr depending on course type.
If you are interested in working for Rexyl book club email me for more information.
(Bright Seeds Academy)
BSAKoo offers one-on-one ESL
instruction and large group classes
in a variety of subjects for both American and foreign students. They pay teachers $25-$30/hr. For more info email me.
All School
All School and Outschool are different companies offering the same services.
For students, I recommend OS first and foremost, because they have more teachers so there is a larger number of courses to choose from.
For teachers it is a good idea to diversify and work for both companies. All School pays better because their commission is only 20%.!