While VIPKID offer a few options for getting hired (live interview or recorded demo), Smart Phone interview, and coaching days.
I only recommend the live interview or attending coaching days. You will score higher on the rubric in a live interview or coaching days interview. High scores are important because your pay will be based on the performance in the demo!
I will personally assist you in preparing for the hiring process. Click this link to make me your referring teacher:
Select time (be aware of time zone difference between you location and Beijing)
Download materials and prepare.
30 minutes interview:
Greet interviewer, Q&A for a few, deliver a 10 minute demo lesson,
receive feedback on performance and next steps
Familiarize yourself with the VIPKid platform and teaching practices of an online ESL teacher.
Learn the fundamentals of: TPR (Total Physical Response), Student Output, Speed & Language, supplementary tools, etc.
After completing your demo, you will schedule your mock class with a mentor. Applicant may choose which level(s) to certify for and perform multiple mock classes.
If you do not have a TESOL you can take the VIPKID course after hire (free) or take one on your own. Groupon's courses are about $10-20
Upload proof of your Bachelors Degree (any Field)
Upload teaching certificates (if any)
After Hire:
Congratulations! You are now a VIPKID teacher!
Choose your schedule and start teaching! Don’t forget to sign up for workshops! Workshops are full of great tips and tricks for understanding the VIPKid platform and classroom.

Have questions? Join me on in my facebook group!