How do I teach holidays in the classroom to all level students?
Level 1:
Simple vocabulary : Santa, red nose, gift, candy, cookies, Christmas)
Simple songs: We wish you a Merry Christmas, Jingle Bells, Rudolph
Level 2 & 3
Questions and sentences: What does Santa eat for breakfast? What do you eat for breakfast? What does Santa bring to boys and girls? Do you have a Christmas tree?
Vocabulary: Reindeer, presents, Christmas, holidays, Santa, elves, Christmas Tree, Snowman
Levels 4-7
Songs: Rudolph, Frosty, Jingle Bells, We wish you a Merry Christmas, Oh Christmas tree
Vocabulary: traditions, celebrations, holidays, cross cultural, Tannenbaum , decorations
Songs: Oh Tannenbaum, Let it Snow, Deck the Halls, the songs for level 2 are appropriate for some students gauge based on student interest.
Questions: Do you celebrate Christmas? What holidays do you celebrate: What are your family traditions? Christmas is cross cultural, celebrated different around the world. What are some ways people in other cultures celebrate Christmas? How do they compare to your family traditions? What decorations are used at xmas? What decorations do you use for holidays you celebrate?